About Gorgeous Glow!

Gorgeous Glow’s owner, Jennifer Merecki, has been in the skincare industry for over 29 years! In 2014, after the passing of her husband, Jennifer needed to spend more time with her 5 children. But her passion for skincare and her love for her clients pushed her to create her own business-- And in 2016, Gorgeous Glow was born! Gorgeous Glow started in Jennifer’s living room, and followed her from one house to another. All the while, her amazing clientele followed. Now, in 2023, after winning Best Facial in Macomb for 2 years in a row, Gorgeous Glow has a permanent home. Jennifer’s goal for Gorgeous Glow is to keep skin care affordable; and It is our belief that everyone deserves to look good and feel their best, without breaking the bank.

Another quality that differentiates Gorgeous Glow is our dedication to education. Before, during, and after a facial, our staff is always eager to answer your questions and address your concerns. Gorgeous Glow’s staff will never push products that aren’t needed. Our goal is to educate you on what your skin tells us, and recommend products once you’re ready to start your skin care journey.

Gorgeous Glow does not endorse or partner with any specific skincare brand. Under U.S law, cosmetic products and ingredients do not need FDA approval before hitting the market. That is why, here at Gorgeous Glow, we carefully vet all of our products to make sure their ingredients are pure and beneficial. You’ll find that many of the skin care products you see at Gorgeous Glow aren’t big brand names. We tend to stray away from Western cosmetics, and buy a lot of our products from countries where cosmetics are more heavily regulated. We pride ourselves on our product knowledge and have a guarantee that if it does not work for your skin, you can return it for a full refund. No questions asked.